TamSeal 7
TamSeal 7 is a modified silicate product which acts as a waterproofing solution when applied to concrete. It can improve surface properties such as hardness, permeability, chemical durability and abrasion resistance. It reacts with free calcium in the cured concrete matrix to form a water-insoluble calcium silicate hydrate. This forms a permanent waterproof barrier by penetrating cracks and pores within the concrete substrate.
Permanently seals cracks up to 2.0 mm
Key specification
- Silicate based waterproofing solution
Key benefits
- No re-application or future maintenance required
- 100% trafficable after the first application
- If stubborn cracks are present - easy to find and fix. No lifting of membranes required
- Permanently seals cracks up to 2.0 mm
- Re-seals future hairline cracks
- Reduction of chloride diffusion coefficient by up to 90%
- Water permeability reduced by up to 70%
Typical applications
- Rooftops and podium decks
- Road and rail bridge decks
- Airport runways, taxiways, aprons
- Car parks
- Wharf decks and marine structures
- Water retaining structures
- Tiled areas (not terracotta or glass glazed)
- Facades
- Pre-cast elements and panels