TamShot 10SS
TamShot 10SS is used in sprayed concrete and annulus grouting applications which enables fast setting and/or where high early strength is required.
Increase strength due to reduced fibre rebound and better fibre orientation
Key specification
- Sprayed concrete and annulus grout accelerator
Key benefits
For sprayed concrete:
- Increased durability
- High final strengths
- Improved sprayability
- Increased bonding
- Increase strength due to reduced fibre rebound and better fibre orientation
- Reduced rebound
- Improved working environment
- Quicker work progress
For annulus grouting:
- Quick gel and setting times for segmental ring support
- High early strength development for segmental lining stability
Typical applications
- Suitable for all applications in wet shotcreting where large thickness layers and early and simultaneously high final strengths are crucial.
- Specially designed for use with wet sprayed, steel fibre reinforced shotcrete.
- Tunnels
- Galleries
- Mining
- TBM Backfill grouts
- Slope stabilisation
- Pit protection