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TamCem 60NH


TamCem 60NH is a poly-carboxylic ether based high range water reducing admixture conforming to ASTM C494 Type G and IS 9103 super plasticizer retarding type. It has been developed for self-compacting concrete, high workable concrete, ready mixed concrete etc. It is compatible with all cements to achieve the desired performance.

TamCem 60NH consist of selective polycarboxylate ether based long chain polymers branched with ethoxylates and selective neutralize hydroxycarboxylic acid to achieve high water reduction and longer open time to facilitate extended time for concrete placement without significant delayed setting of the concrete.

Traditional SNF based admixture are absorbed by cement (moistened) granules. They wrap around the cement (moisten) granules and developed negative charges. This electrostatic force causes the cement paste to disperse, causing the cement particles de-flocculate resulting in less water demand compared to concrete without admixture.

TamCem 60NH has a different chemical structure compared to traditional SNF based materials. Initially after mixing with cement (moisten), TamCem 60NH also develops negative charges around the cement paste, but the side chains linked to the backbone generates a steric hindrance providing a physical barrier, along with the electrostatic barrier, between the cement grains. Dual repulsive force provides more dispersibility to the cement paste, resulting in a higher water reduction.

Better resistance to carbonation and other atmospheric conditions

Key specification

  • Superplasticising Retarding Type Admixture
  • Low dosage superplasticiser admixture for India

Key benefits

  • Low water-cement ratio enhances high early and ultimate strength of concrete
  • High flowability provides easy placement and compaction
  • High range water reduction
  • Better resistance to carbonation and other atmospheric conditions
  • Dispersibility of cement particles reduces permeability of concrete and also discontinues spore in concrete resulting in low water penetration

Typical applications

  • High-workable concrete
  • High performance concrete
  • Durable concrete
  • Ready mixed concrete


TamCem 60NH

TamCem 60NH Technical Data Sheet - India Version

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