TamCem 77TG
TamCem 77TG is a special “consistency modifier” for concrete and grouts with no water-reducing effect, air entrainment or retardation properties. It is a non-chloride liquid admixture designed to increase pumping efficiency, reduce segregation, and enhances the viscosity and stability of high-slump mixes.
Controls cohesion, segregation and bleed water whilst maintaining high levels of workability
Key specification
- Consistence modifier for concrete and grouts with no water reducing effect
Key benefits
- High pumpability provides easy placement or grouting
- controls cohesion, segregation and bleed water whilst maintaining high levels of workability
- High elastic modulus, low shrinkage and creep are achievable with quality-controlled coarse and fine aggregates
- Superior finishes with reduced honeycombing
Typical applications
- High performance concrete
- Pump mixes with low cementitious cement content
- Backfill grout
- Wet sprayed concrete
- Enhances the performance of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) and concretes containing sub-quality aggregates.