TamCem 67
TamCem 67 is a new-generation superplasticiser for high early-strength concrete. It contains state-of-the-art polycarboxylate ether polymers and is specially formulated to give high water reduction, and enhanced workability and offers superior early-age strength development. TamCem 67 is specially designed for precast concrete applications. It is a non-chloride liquid admixture which has been formulated to comply with the requirements of EN 934-2 and ASTM C 494 for Type F high-range water-reducing/super plasticising admixtures. TamCem 67 is compatible with all types of cement meeting recognised international standards.
TamCem 67 is based on versatile polycarboxylate co-polymer technology. Its unique long-chain molecular structure enhances the dispersion of cement particles, by means of steric hindrance, whereas conventional SNF and SMF-based superplasticisers, will only undergo less powerful electrostatic repulsion. In addition to the polycarboxylate co-polymers, TamCem 67 also contains components capable of increasing the rate of early-age hardening of the concrete at ambient and low temperatures.
Excellent cohesion, zero segregation and minimal bleed water with extremely high levels of concrete workability.
Key specification
- Superplasticising and accelerating admixture for precast concrete
Key benefits
- High water reduction which provides high early and ultimate strengths, low permeability and high durability of the concrete.
- High flowability provides easy placement and compaction
- Excellent cohesion, zero segregation and minimal bleed water with extremely high levels of concrete workability.
- High early-age strength can be obtained even at low temperatures
- Can partly replace steam curing at low water/cement ratios
- High elastic modulus, low shrinkage and creep are achievable using graded coarse and fine aggregates.
- Superior finishes with reduced honeycombing
Typical applications
- Precast concrete
- High performance concrete
- Improving mixing efficiency during large pour
- Highly durable concrete
- High strength concrete
- Self-compacting concrete as well as low slump concrete
- Concrete road constructions