TamCem 410P / TamCem 412P
TamCem 410P / TamCem 412P is a high-performance superplasticizer designed for precast concrete, meeting the stringent requirements of EN 934-2. This non-chloride liquid admixture acts as a high-range water reducer, ideal for concrete mix designs that demand high early-age strength, even with challenging cements or cementitious blends.
Formulated with advanced polycarboxylate ether polymers and specialized dispersing agents, TamCem 410P enhances workability, ensuring optimal performance in every application. Compatible with all internationally recognized cement standards, it is your go-to solution for superior precast concrete results.
High workability for consistent, flowable concrete with rapid early-age strength
- Superplasticizing Precast Concrete Admixture
- Optimized Water-Cement Ratio: Achieves high early and ultimate strengths, minimizing cement use
- High Consistency: Ensures easy placement and compaction
- Excellent Cohesion: Zero segregation and minimal bleed water for high workability
- Slump Retention: Easy placement and control, stiffens and sets quickly
- High Elastic Modulus: Low shrinkage and creep with graded aggregates
- Low Permeability: Produces highly durable concrete
- Reduces Entrapped Air: Delivers superior finishes with less honeycombing
Typische Anwendungen
- Betonfertigteile
- Improving mixing efficiency optimising the mixing cycle
- Hochwertiger Beton
- Gut fließfähiger Beton
- Hochfester Beton
- Fibre reinforced concrete