我们数十年来一直致力于服务性和以客户为中心的设计,这促使我们创造了一个全面的解决方案,以提高您的采矿业务。从便携式破碎到固定式破碎,再到格筛作业,Normet Xrock 吊臂的灵活性、坚固性和聚合性将重新定义您的业务。我们对实用性的追求延伸到通用备件,简化了更换过程,减少了停机时间。服务点位于战略要地,可确保方便快捷的维护。
Normet Xrock Breaker Booms
Elevating safety, maximizing efficiency.
Agile and robust
Normet Xrock booms are designed to master a variety of applications from stationary crushing and grizzly operations. Robust and agile design ensures long service life and effortless usability.
Excellent serviceability
Our accessible service points with renowned maintenance and cost-effective spare parts services ensure that owning a Normet Xrock breaker is always an asset, and your work never stops.
Enhanced safety and productivity
Using dedicated booms for rock breaking significantly enhances mining productivity by reducing downtime caused by blockages or oversized rocks, ensuring smoother material flow through the production process. In addition, breaker booms eliminate the need for miners to approach hazardous areas, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.