Normet offers several digital solutions for analysing and optimizing mining and tunnelling processes underground. These solutions have shown their effectiveness in the HS2 project in the UK, where sprayed concrete utilisation is a hot topic. Elena Solja, Head of Product at Remion, and Paul Challinor, Senior Construction Manager at STRABAG, discuss cooperation and concrete data.
Data-led digital value creation in HS2;了解更多2024年10月22日
唯一不变的是变化。Normet 正在通过 Smart365 迎接变化,这是一项重大的业务变革计划,涉及到大量的 IT 层面,旨在满足我们不断增长的全球业务需求。首席信息官 Juha Tuominen 说:"全球性、可扩展的 IT 解决方案就是答案。
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The Scamec LC Thor 135 T and the Charmec LF 1105 DA are specifically engineered for the unique requirements of the US aggregate mining industry, while also being adaptable for other underground operations with a large tunnel profile worldwide. They are designed to elevate efficiency, safety, and productivity. These purpose-built machines tackle critical challenges in scaling and ANFO charging, offering advanced features designed to meet the rigorous conditions of underground mining.
撬毛, Scamec LC Thor 095 A
Testing the Lekatech’s Fully Electric Hammer in the Scamec LC Thor 095 A;了解更多XS 的设计旨在最大限度地降低总体拥有成本,其性能、安全性和有效载荷能力在同类产品中无与伦比。XS 可安装在 3.5 米 x 3.5 米的围栏内,有效载荷可达 4 吨。其多功能性带来了显著的成本效益、更少的备件库存和更强的可维护性。
从具有高喷射量和大工作半径的高度机械化混凝土喷射系统,到多功能转子喷射机,ALIVA 设备公司为喷射混凝土的干湿拌合物加工提供了全套设备。